Estudante de Direito Portuguesa de 19 Anos escreve carta a TRUMP

Especialmente na America mas um pouco por todo o Mundo acumulam-se as manifestações de repúdio ao Presidente Trump.

Trump já provou que, ao contrário de alguns políticos, faz questão de cumprir aquilo que prometeu durante a campanha.

O pior é que muitas destas medidas são altamente polémicas, mas Trump está a avançar à mesma e sem perder tempo, revoltando cidadão e até mesmo as grandes empresas do seu país.

Empresas como Google, Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Uber, Tesla e Microsoft já declararam guerra à política de Trump contra a imigração, não querendo ficar “no lado errado da história”. Recorde-se que Trump colocou – por decreto presidencial – 7 países numa lista negra e se alguém lá entrar já não pode voltar à América, mesmo que tenha visto. Esses países são: Iraque, Síria, Irão, Líbia, Somália e Iémen.

Também em Portugal as críticas se fazem ouvir. Mariana Viana Pedreira, uma jovem estudante de Direito de 19 anos, escreveu uma carta aberta a Trump, dando-se ao trabalho de o fazer em inglês. Não é provável que lá chegue, e muito menos que Trump conseguisse assimilar o que está escrito, mas ainda assim fica a intenção.

Dear Mr. Trump,

​I’m a 19-year-old girl from Lisbon, Portugal (a little country in the coast of Europe you might have heard of – the name “Ronaldo” may ring a bell?). I’m unbelievably privileged, and I’m not sure why.

Mr. Trump, I wake up every morning and, like you, I get to have a nice breakfast, a hot shower, and warm clothes to face winter. I go to law school and, unfortunately, perhaps, I’m forced to think about what’s happening in the world, and not only in the happy bubble I live in. You see, thinking about the world around me, makes me think of you, Mr. Trump, and I’m not really enjoying thinking about you.

This may not have been your case, but although I was born in a privileged home, never was I raised to believe I was better than anyone else, or worthier than anyone else, no, sir, I was raised to believe we are all equal even though some are born in families, places or times, where their chances to be happy, or to chase their dreams, or to be fulfilled, or even to survive, are higher than others’.

I’m obviously happy I’m one of the lucky ones, but I can’t help but to think about the unlucky ones, and how you, who could actually help them, or, at least, some of them, refuse to do so. I don’t get it, Mr. Trump, I really don’t.

You’re choosing separation, over integration, prejudice, over tolerance. You’re creating requisites for a human being to be worth of your nation, to be worth of protection, to be worth of dignity. You, Mr. Trump, are taking us back, and I don’t get how, after the long way we’ve come, there are people who want to follow you.
​The world is a scary place, sir, it is. And I know it’s hard not to think, at some point, that your mission is to protect those who are under the dome you are in charge of, undermining the rest. But sir, the thing is, there’s no real dome, you cannot close your eyes at what’s happening around the world, you cannot pretend you can’t hear the cries for help.

I’m trying to talk to you in reasonable terms, which many will say is useless, as you are clearly not driven by reason, but I’m still hoping you’ll come to your senses, I’m still hoping you won’t ignore climate change (I know the world is scary, but we could try not to destroy it), I’m still hoping you won’t disempower women, and girls, like myself, who, as you see, have a voice, I’m still hoping you won’t refuse to help the ones who need you the most, in your country, which I’m sorry to tell you, but I found greater, when you weren’t in power, but also the ones who seek it, as a place to pursue their dreams, or only as a place to find survival, really.

​This glimpse of hope has its roots in naivety, maybe, but if one doesn’t hold on to this, what will one hold on to?

Sobre o Autor


O homem urbano e cosmopolita, moderno e com bom gosto. Sabe o que quer, vive como gosta.